Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge
a historical and genealogical organization dedicated to honoring the men and women of the Encampment at Valley Forge

The Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge is a historical & genealogical organization where one must prove descent from a person that spent time at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania with the Continental Army between December 19, 1777 and June 19, 1778.
The Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge (DVF), founded March 25, 1976 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, is a non-profit, non-political volunteer service organization for men, women, and children dedicated to preserving the memory of those men and women who entered the camp at Valley Forge any time between December 19, 1777 and June 19, 1778, during the American Revolution in order to rest for the winter. It was at this site that the soldiers located supplies, built log cabins and huts, and dug miles of trenches for defense against a British attack. Nearly 2,000 men died during this winter while those who survived came out of the experience well trained for battle.

If you are a DVF member, please click on "Members Section" to request access to that portion of the website.
DVF members gather each summer for the annual Encampment to celebrate the year's accomplishments and tour Valley Forge National Historical Park. Our organization awards college scholarships, presents history awards to local students, and contributes to the Valley Forge Park Alliance.
Any person of any age, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution who wintered at Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War, is eligible for membership. Please consider joining our family in remembering the Valley Forge Encampment and honoring our patriots - Huzzah!